Do you have a phone full of photos of your children and your family? Did you have an amazing session with a photographer and received your gorgeous images online or on a USB? Where are the images now? Are they in your drawer on the USB? Are they sitting in your computer in a folder? Or are they hiding in your phone?
They should not be hidden, they should be in a photo album, they should be up on your walls. You are not very likely to sit with your children or partner by your computer and look through images on a screen. I created photo books for all my children, one book is birth to first birthday and one is first birthday to five-six years. We love sitting down and looking through them. Not all of the images are amazing quality, some are phone snaps, some can be a bit blurry but they do mean a lot.

Photo Albums and quality time
For Christmas I gave my family a photo book with images going back over the last ten years. We all sat down and looked through them. We got the book out and went through it with friends. My 7 year old got it out with her cousin and spent ages looking, laughing and pointing things out to each other in photos. When she was asked at school if she has any special books at home, she wrote about this one. She said: We have a magic book at home, that shows all the pictures of our family growing. I was so happy to hear that from her.
I still have the photo album my parents made for me when I was a baby myself and love looking at it and sharing it with my kids. They find it rather amusing that their mummy was a baby herself once.
Family Photos Boost Your Child's Self Esteem
There are images of my family on the walls in our house. Lovely large canvases. They are not cheap when you want to order really good quality product but they are so worth it. You would invest in a painting for your wall and probably not think twice about it. This investment is even more important. You are investing into self confidence of your kids. There are countless studies showing that children who grow up surrounded by images of their family and themselves have higher self esteem and confidence.
My youngest loves pointing out people from our family on a collage from our wedding hanging in our living room. She points to it saying: There's mummy, there's daddy, there's Nanny. Where's Nella? (at which point I usually have to explain that she was not born yet, that the baby in the photos is her sister and not her :) )
She loves looking at her newborn photos on the wall. She knows that this was her as a baby. She knows we are proud of her without us having to say it out loud. She knows she belongs with us. She knows she is a part of this family. All three of them are.
We have images on the fridge, everywhere we go we get one of the little magnet photos for the fridge.
I have a blank wall in our new kitchen and I know exactly the type of image I want. I have it all planned and I know it won't come cheap but I want the photo on the wall BIG (and we are talking big :) ) I want it to be the best quality because you definitely get what you pay for. If I am investing in a photography session I want to invest in displaying the photo the best I can.

So why not get a canvas? They are very reasonable prices in many places..
If I wasn't a photographer I would probably opt for a canvas and there are plenty of places you can get canvases cheap. I would be pretty happy with this option BUT I know so much more now. I have seen many canvases from many providers. I have seen other products. I have seen the most amazing acrylic products that show colours vibrantly, show great detail in your images and make them stand out.
My newest studio samples make even me go WOW, these are real art and so worthy to be placed in a prominent place in someone's home to be proud of for years and years to come.

If you have a session with me, I will discuss your session, styling, what you want to achieve and what kind of wall at would you want in your house. I will recommend you the best way to display your images and advise on the size that would work best. I can offer you photo albums of your images and also prints. Be proud of your images. Display them around your house. Fill your house with love and beautiful photos.
Love, Magda